HOPE and Substance Use Disorder Outpatient & Intensive Outpatient Treatment
Program ServicesClinic and home-based substance abuse treatment is provided through individual and group counseling services
Assessments |
Parent education sessions |
Alcohol Tobacco and other Drugs (ATOD) abuse individual, family, and group counseling |
Home management training |
HIV/AIDS education |
Women’s specific services |
Crisis intervention |
Mental health referrals |
Prevention |
Case management |
Advocacy service |
Person and family-centered treatment planning |
Home-based model |
Eligibility Criteria
Adults or adolescents, and their family members facing substance use disorders who live in Wayne County who have Medicaid insurance.
Community-based treatment, to address the impact of co-occurring substance use and mental health symptoms.
Woman's Hope Relapse Prevention
Women experience overall life, mental health and substance misuse concerns in ways that are unique to them. For women looking for a successful journey, a woman-only intervention program may be the best option for the journey. Mindfulness-based relapse prevention is a Cognitive Behavior Therapy that uses trauma-informed tools to manage automatic and unhelpful reactions to triggers. Our goal is to provide women a safe, supportive environment in which to heal on their journey.
Program GoalThe goal of the program is to assist women in successfully completing court requirements by completing quality-of-life goals.
Program Services- Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention 10 Week Group (or individually on a case-by-case basis)
- Case Management / individual sessions
- Bus tickets and transportation
- Milestone Celebrations
- Specific Assistance
- Childcare
Eligibility Criteria
- Women that may benefit from trauma-informed care may be referred from Mental Health Court, Drug Court, may have exposure to or experienced domestic violence or may be in need of anger management interventions.
- Women referred by other community correction partners.
- Women without a history of a Substance Use Diagnosis that may benefit from Trauma Informed Care.
City of Detroit Finding Resolution Everyday through Education - (F.R.E.E)
FREE (Finding Resolutions Everyday through Education) is a public education and information program to prevent substance abuse/addiction, and promote healthy life styles.
Program GoalTo ensure youth and families receive services they need to be successfully released from the juvenile justice system and achieve their personal goals, while ensuring community safety.
A Time for Change Men’s Group
CFDI Welcome MDOC Citizens.